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Check List

CS Nitin Mehta > Check List

1. Details of proposed company to be incorporated

  • Proposed names of the company in order of preference.
  • Main objects of the company.
  • Authorized share capital of the company

2. Details of Directors ( Provide details of 2 directors in case of private company and 3 directors in case of public company ).

  • Complete Name
  • Address including (city, state, pincode, country)
  • Father’s Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Nationality
  • Occupation
  • Three photographs of every proposed Directors. (scanned photographs will do)
  • Copy of passport as a proof of identity and copy of proof of address (electricity bill/ telephone bill/ bank statement/driving license). (scanned copy will do)

3. Details of Shareholders (Provide details of 2 shareholders in case of private company and 7 in case of public company)


  • Complete Name
  • Address including (city, state, pin-code, country)
  • Father’s Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Nationality
  • Occupation
  • Three photographs of every proposed shareholders. (scanned photographs will do)
  • Copy of passport as a proof of identity and copy of proof of address (electricity bill/ telephone bill/ bank statement/driving license). (scanned copy will do)

Corporate Shareholders

  • Copy of Certificate of incorporation
  • Copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association
  • Board resolution of the existing company authorizing for shareholding in the proposed company.




CS Nitin Mehta


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