One life is sufficient to create a Beautiful World
To a person, whole world is his/her Society; in core all the structures of societies framed around a human being consists of same humanitarian values of Love, Faith, Truth, Hope, Sympathy, Thoughtfulness, Purity and Peace. Society is a rich culture experience of all human glories, the present reality and the future wills. The Society nearby an individual is created out of the common values, history and experiences of events, vision and aura of the ambience. All the beautiful principles of Humanitarian Values are deeply woven in tapestry of social well being. One of the most decent composition of all humanitarian values or core values of soul of the world is Kindness.
Kindness can be visualize as an abstract image of the eyes full of love, the ears listening to the unsaid pleasing thoughts, the mouth conversing the divine truth, a brain at utmost peace, a heart full of hope, the two hands holding together with sympathy, the two foots deeply rooted with faith and a serene and pure soul. This whole image also signifies the anatomy of Human Physique. This gives us an ultimate idea of Humanity or Being Human synonymous to Being Kind. This does also enhance the spirit of humanity or society as whole to remember and practice core principle of kindness with each other, to all other living and non-living beings and on a quintessential level be kind with themselves also. Kindness is a virtue and a high moral value that includes the mutual and the self politeness whether emotionally, monetary, physically, by thinking positively and even while praying.
Society is already embedded with beautiful diamond of Kindness. In current scenario the instantaneous shine of this diamond is blurry but it do exists; and diamonds always reflect utmost shine when a light hits it. The only important thing remains now, is to enlighten its way in the heart of every Human Earthling. This beauty can be graced in very small but very important deeds like just being with a person who needs you inspite of your own battles of life, speaking generously and with whole heart every time, hoping for all good but with no expectations with anyone as they are already doing their best they can, helping the animals and caring the environment with all the resources (its the interest accumulated out of resources of nature that we are paying back to it). Out of the best thoughts; it can be said that “your vision can create your destiny, decide the future of your ‘would be’ environment and in whole it can be the stepping stone towards good fortune of humanity”. And If this is true and if your good thinking can initiate the change in the society, if it can reveal the better world, if it seems to be the best ideology inspite of all distractions, all greed and all complexes; then you should start visioning the kindest thing you can, doing the kindest act you can and most credential being the kindest being you can.
There is an amazing dictum in Indian Rigveda Scripture framed in the Sanskrit language that is “Bahujana Sukhaya, Bahujan Hitaya cha” which can be understand as “Being human we will work for the happiness of many and the welfare of many” and the same aphorism is elaborated by many great souls like Gautama Buddha and illustrated in all holy sculptures. The beautiful impacts of being kind to all, can be felt in day to day life also; we can experiment the same by changing our act to the kindest in the difficult situations and having most sober attitude with the difficult people. At first, it may not change the person or the situation behind but it will definitely take you in the utmost peace and slowly it will make peaceful surrounding. Kindness is a practice not only to create the pleasant and the positive habitat but also to find and define the most alluring version of your own.
At the crux, a kinder society can be grown only by initiation of the smallest but most heartfelt deeds of kindness.